A Customs Brokerage

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Our Expertise

JSM Montilla Customs Brokerage offers brokerage services that feature fast customs clearance. We have expertise and resources to help you transport goods, and we process several shipments everyday, with all of them cleared immediately.

Brokerage Services

Our experienced specialists always keep up to date with the latest changes of customs legislation and accelerate the process of customs clearance. This allows a smooth, fast and reliable customs process.

Import / Export Clearance

As a customs clearance expert, we are working with our clients to review and understand business operations so that we can determine the tariff status of goods in advance of shipment.

Tarrif Consultation

As your customs broker, expertise in tariff consultancy is being provided to ensure that your imported goods are properly classified in accordance to the correct tariff headings as indicated in the book "Tariff and Customs Code of the Philippines".